October 20, 2011

Beyond Actual Words - Communication in Design

What are you communicating?

Is it what you want to say?

The words you place on an ad, on a website, in print, are all important. But they are not even HALF of all you are 'saying'.

Verbal communication means more than the actual words. The sound, inflection, volume, and tone can say very different things while the words remain the same. Throw in circumstance and body language and you have a very complex delivery system of meaning. How many different ways can you say the boring statement "She went to the store"...? (SHE went, and not me?) -pouty- (She WENT already- but I wanted to go!)-frustration- (WHERE did she go?) -I'm lost- (which store?) -confusion- (she went SHOPPING?) Now we are getting more interesting. -whose money is she spending?- -she is spending money AGAIN?- ... How many different ways can YOU say it?

Visual communication is just as involved! Tools used in visual design can show who you are, what you do, how you do it, where you came from, where you are going, and so much more.

Some of these tools are:
#1. fonts

#2. colors

#3. layout and composition

#4. complexity/simplicity

#5. texture

#6. amount of content

Example for Fonts



How would describe these fonts? What adjectives would you use? Masculine or feminine? Straight-forward? Interesting? Complicated? If you really get into it, you could go on and on. Every choice has both positive and negative associations. Can you see both?

(Posts on Color Psychology, Color Theory, Color Combination's in the making)

(Posts on layout and composition, complexity/simplicity, texture, amount of content in the future)

Now that you are seeing more of the whole picture, tell me, what are you REALLY saying?

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